
Monday, May 6, 2013

Sewing the Mind Shut

This is a speech I wrote in loose poetic form back in high school, so picture me reading it in a grandiose voice. This really is how I feel about the education system in the United States sometimes, by the way. ;)

Sewing the Mind Shut

In a world where creativity is loved, 
inspiration is dreamt of, 
and creations are praised:

The young are taught facts.
Their opinions are shushed. 
Their minds becoming singular. 

The mind is too valuable to waste. 
That's what they're told,
yet their ambitions are razed.

Memorize this;
this is what you must know.
I sit here and wonder,

should it be so?

You are too young. 
You'll understand soon.
But now you're too old.

Your mind is not yours,
it has become theirs.
What's happened to the individual?
Does it even exist anymore?

Why must I be like them?
Must I?
Can I be no one?

Can I be something new?

Some minds are stronger,
but no minds are weak. 
Imagination holds us together,
makes us human.

When we try to be different,
to stray outside the box,
we are slapped back
like we've done something wrong.

 Schools hold the mind in stasis.
As a student we've learned:
What is beauty,
what to know,
what is acceptable,
and what is not.

If we try to be different
our grade suffers.
We won't go to college.
To the world we become expendable.

Even art has succumbed 
in some places.
Suddenly projects have rules  
and measurements that we 
must follow.

 To get the grade.

We're not learning to be our own self. 
Is this some sort of game?
Every person looks different,
so why should we all think the same?

They say we must learn,
and we'll grow,
be like them.
But what if I want to be me?
Not them.
Shall we just watch,
as our minds,
and our children's minds are sewn shut?
As imagination rusts from disuse?

Change is what's needed.
And it's not being taught. 
An endless paradox, 
unless we make it stop. 

The mind is a sponge,
capable of holding only so much.
If we fill the mind with facts then what room is left
for creativity?

The system of learning
is broken and wrecked. 
the rules are too strict,
thoughts were meant to be bent.

To state your ideas
is dangerous at best.
And only a few
are brave enough to try.

To be part of that few,
strong mind and stronger heart,
they are the truly successful,
though their grades might
not match the part. 

Why are they punished?
Are their minds not functioning?
Instead of science,
and English,
their minds are focused on the surreal,
the beautiful,
the unknown.

Today's learning is based on what's known.
Is that how we progress?
By focusing on the facts? 
Why not focus on what is yet to be understood?
Teach the mind to ponder,
to question everything,
to think past the "facts". 

  Don't be afraid,
to take back your mind.
Oil your imagination.
Cut the bands that are holding you back.

Look past the facts, 
open your heart to the surreal. 
What more can I say then to let your opinions be known?
Together, we can change the system.

Because the mind,
is too valuable to waste.

So that's that. Remember to subscribe on the right side of the screen if you want to make my day. Feedback is lovely as well. Thanks, pilgrims.